Grilled Corn with Cilantro Lime Butter

Grilled Corn with Cilantro Lime Butter

Grilled Corn with Cilantro Lime Butter
Fresh corn on the cob’s sweet flavor is accentuated by being grilled in their husks and served with a cilantro and lime compound butter.

Cream butter in a bowl until smooth; mix in cilantro lime juice and cayenne pepper until thoroughly combined.

Cover and refrigerate 1 hour to blend flavors.

Peel husks back from ears of corn starting at the top leaving the husks attached at the bottom of the ears.

Remove all the corn silk and close husks over the ears again.

Cover corn ears with cold water in a large bowl until husks are thoroughly soaked about 20 minutes.

Preheat grill for medium heat and lightly oil the grate.

Place the corn in husks onto the hot grate and grill covered until husks are charred and the corn kernels are tender 20 to 25 minutes turning often.

Strip off husks and serve corn with cilantro lime butter.

July 13, 2024

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