Stroopwaffels II

Stroopwaffels II

Stroopwaffels II
Between two thin cookies, a Dutch cookie with caramel syrup is placed. Wonderfully delicious! During the year I spent living in Holland, I developed a love for these cookies. I was overjoyed to discover a recipe at last! Pizzelle irons are used to create these.

Preheat a non-sitck pizzelle iron.

Sift together the flour baking powder and salt; set aside.

In large bowl whisk together the eggs and 3/4 cup sugar until well blended.

Whisk in the vanilla and lemon extracts.

Slowly pour in the melted butter while whisking briskly then slowly mix in the dry ingredients.

Spoon or pipe 1 1/2 tablespoons of batter onto the preheated pizzelle iron.

Close the lid and seal with the clasp.

Cook for 50 to 60 seconds before removing with a small spatula.

Cool on wire racks.

December 8, 2022

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